city of sand
city of sand

Exam Rules

a) IDENTITY CARD It is mandatory that the students must carry their college identity cards during the college hours and will produce to the concerned official on demand. This ID card can be obtained from the Admin. Office on payment of Rs.500/-. In case of lost, duplicate identity card can be obtained for Rs.500/-

b) USE OF LIBRARY BOOKS Students must produce Library Card to the Librarian while entering in the Library. This Library Card will be issued by the Librarian office on payment of Rs.3000/-. All the students are expected to be very careful about usage of library books. They are not allowed to take books without getting these issued in their names. Books should be returned within stipulated time period. A fine of Rs.100/- per day per book will be charged if books are returned late. A damaged or defaced book shall not be accepted to be returned. Instead thereto, the borrower will have either to arrange & provide the same new book or to pay price in equal amount as per market rate.

c) USE OF LABS MATERIAL Students are expected to be very careful while using Labs equipment/apparatus. In case, it is established that the equipment or apparatus or glassware is spoiled either deliberately or due to recklessness then the concerned student shall be liable to pay damages of the material as per market rate.

d) ATTENDANCE Students shall strictly fulfill the minimum attendance requirement as prescribed by the university/board to sit in the examination. Moreover, a fine of Rs.50/- per lecture shall be imposed for a leave which is availed without prior sanction by office of the HOD/Principal.


i. College fee and other dues shall be paid on the date(s) as prescribed. A fine @ Rs.100/- per day shall be charged after the due date upto 15-days. However, after 15-days, name of the defaulter would be struck off. Such student can however apply for readmission maximum within 10-days of the date of struck off subject to eligibility and payment of all dues/fine etc.

ii. Dues once paid are neither refundable nor transferable in any case.

iii. The College has the right to increase fee structure at any time, without assigning any reason thereto, and all the students will comply the same.

iv. In case a student is enjoying merit or need based or likewise scholarship/fee concession, then he/she shall have to score and maintain his/her examination record, as prescribed and has to maintain regularity/punctuality and discipline, as required. In case any contradiction, the said scholarship/fee concession shall be withdrawn without giving any notice.

Extra-Curricular Activities: All the students are supposed to participate / attend extra-curricular activities or events arranged by the college and shall pay their contribution in this regard, if required. Sincere co-operation of the parents is sought in this regard.