city of sand
city of sand

Student Siscipline

1. Student Discipline

1. A student is liable to be fined or expelled from the College if found guilty of any one or more of the following:

  • a) Indecent behavior with any faculty member or officer or staff of the College.
  • b) Impolite or indecent behavior in the classroom or in the College premises or during study tours/recreational trips or internship place etc.
  • c) Misconduct with any teacher, staff, or student.
  • d) Found persuading other students to take part in any agitation, strike, quarrel, walkout, or illegal sit-in.
  • e) Found damaging or defacing furniture, fittings, or any other property of the College.
  • f) Found using a loudspeaker, megaphone, or similar instruments.
  • g) Found scribbling on chairs, tables, doors, and walls of the College.
  • h) Involved in submitting any false information or documents.
  • i) Using unfair means in any exam/test.
  • j) Found smoking etc.
  • k) Found showing disobedience or found to neglect the instructions issued by any Officer, Teacher, or by the Management.

2. All students are also supposed:

  • i. Not to form or be associated with any political organization, whatever the name is, in the College. They shall not be allowed to invite any person to address the students without the prior written permission of the Management.
  • ii. Not to receive visitors during study hours. However, special permission may be obtained in unavoidable circumstances.
  • iii. Neither to receive nor make telephone calls during study hours, except in case of emergency with the teacher’s permission.
  • iv. To observe moral & ethical values strictly.

3. Ragging, teasing, taunting, or mocking in any form are strictly prohibited in the College.

4. Students are supposed to see the College’s Notice Board every day.

5. All sorts of weapons are strictly prohibited inside the College premises.

All students of the college are mandatory bound to act upon the rules and regulations exist at present or amended from time to time. If any student is involved and found guilty of any gross misconduct, they shall be liable for disciplinary proceedings by the institution immediately.

2. Students Disciplinary Committee

The College has a Students Disciplinary Committee that has been formed to investigate any issue/conflict that occurs on the College premises. This committee can penalize students found to be involved in untoward incidents, such as expulsion, rustication, imposing fines (not exceeding Rs. 10,000/-), and debarring entry into the College premises for a specific period (not more than 15 days in one instance). However, the aggrieved party can appeal against the penalties inflicted to the Chairman (Appellate Forum) of the College within 07 working days, who is empowered to repeal, mitigate, or uphold the same, which will be final. No penalty can be imposed without affording a chance to the concerned to be heard in person. Moreover, the Disciplinary Committee may suggest cogent and viable measures to be enforced for maintaining law and order and providing a peaceful and conducive atmosphere to all students in the College.

3. Disciplinary Procedure

The disciplinary procedure involves:

  • Written or verbal complaint
  • Principal calls and advises the Disciplinary Committee
  • Disciplinary Committee Meeting
  • Personal Hearing of the Accused (if required)
  • Disciplinary Committee reviews existing policy/rules
  • Disciplinary Committee investigates the Incident
  • Disciplinary Committee recommends disciplinary action to be Taken
  • Principal decides and takes action as per his/her own wisdom

4. Competent Authority for Appeal

The Chairman of the College is the competent authority to listen to appeals, and their decision will be final.

Examination Rules & Regulations

All rules and regulations regarding examinations of BSN and Post-RN as set by the University (IUB) will be followed.