city of sand
city of sand

Hostel Rules & Regulations

The College maintains hostel for girls only. Here are the hostel rules and regulations.

  1. a) The Next College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences maintains a hostel for girls.
  2. b) Students should apply for the hostel on the prescribed form, available at the Hostel Office of Girls or Admin. Office of the College.
  3. c) Seats shall be allotted by the Warden in accordance with rules and regulations.
  4. d) Students must carefully study and observe the hostel rules available in the Hostel.

  1. 1. Warden
    1. The Warden shall hold control of the hostel and administer the hostels’ affairs. All matters requiring approval, attention or advice of the competent authority, relating to discipline or change of conditions in the hostel shall be initiated by the Warden for approval of the Chairman of the College who is the competent authority.
    2. The Warden shall be provided with free accommodation in the hostel and shall be required to live in the hostel or shall live in the houses specified for the warden in the premises of the hostel. She will not stay out of the hostel on any night unless she obtains prior permission of the competent authority in writing and delegates her responsibilities to her next one during her absence.
    3. The Warden shall be responsible for maintaining discipline and law and order in their hostel and shall use her discretion and judgment in all cases requiring immediate attention and action.
    4. The Warden may organize lawful social and cultural activities in their hostel for the hostel residents subject to prior permission of the competent authority.
    5. The Warden may recommend a Hostel Superintendent for her assistance if she may think it necessary. The Chairman has the sole prerogative to provide a Superintendent Hostel to the Warden or not.
  2. 2. Hostel Establishment
    1. Hostel/unit has been provided some staff like Clerk, bearers, cook, watchman, and sweepers.
    2. The clerk shall be responsible for looking after the office and shall assist the warden in maintaining records of all students’ admission in the hostel, financial as well as record and general correspondence. While the other staff will be responsible for the safety of hostel property, security, cleanliness of and the cooked food.
    3. The watchman/security guard shall not allow any outsider or outsider student to enter the Hostel except the residents and deputed staff members. Family members of the students can be allowed to meet their children during the prescribed hours only in Visitor rooms after prior approval of the Warden. No one can be allowed to meet any student in their hostel allotted room.
    4. All the staff of the hostel will work under the supervision of the Wardens or Assistant Wardens or any other person(s) deputed by the competent authority.

  1. i) Admission in Hostel is a privilege but not a matter of right.
  2. ii) Only regular students of the College may be allowed admission in the hostel.
  3. iii) All students seeking admission in the hostel shall submit an affidavit/undertaking to the effect that they will abide by all the existing rules/regulations and amended from time to time. Deliberate violation of any of the rules/regulations shall debar the concerned student from hostel accommodation and thereafter cancellation of admission.

  1. i) Residents shall abide by the hostel regulations. Violations of any regulation or order issued by the management shall render a resident liable to fine or even expulsion from the hostel or such other action as the management may consider necessary.
  2. ii) Allowing any guest in the room by a resident shall be considered a breach of hostel rules and shall be liable for all consequences, including cancellation of her seat. In case of special circumstances, only family members to the extent of mother or real sister can be allowed as guests but for a maximum of one night by paying Rs. 300/- as charges and with the prior approval of the Warden and consent of the roommate.
  3. iii) Bringing into the hostel any type of weapon and unlawful items is strictly prohibited. Similarly, guests/visitors with any of these items shall not be allowed to enter the hostel.
  4. iv) Possession and use of speakers and similar devices are prohibited in the hostel. Air conditioner, air cooler, electric heater, and landline phone are prohibited in the hostel without prior sanction from both the Warden and the competent authority.
  5. v) If the college authority finds any student involved in cybercrimes, the institution has the right to report this situation of the said student to the concerned legal authority like FIA etc. Cybercrimes include the misuse of the internet, such as personal video/picture sharing, hacking other personal data/accounts, immoral/unethical SMS/MMS.
  6. vi) College administration will not be responsible for any loss or damage or theft of valuable items and cash of any student.
  7. vii) All students must abide by and observe the hostel timings as prescribed.
  8. viii) No resident student should sublet the hostel room to any other student; otherwise, strict disciplinary proceedings shall be initiated against the said student, and their seat will be canceled without any notice and refund.
  9. ix) Students leaving the hostel temporarily shall apply to the Warden in writing, indicating the number of days they are likely to be away.
  10. x) During study hours, which begin with the closing of the hostel gates, every student must maintain silence and avoid any type of disturbance, particularly playing loud music.
  11. xi) No resident shall be allowed to place any notice, placard, posters, wall chalking, or other materials of any nature anywhere in the hostel premises.
  12. xii) Lawful societies, committees, or clubs can be formed in the hostel with the permission of the competent authority as and when required, subject to fulfilling the conditions and rules framed from time to time.
  13. xiii) No magazine, journal, or other printed material shall be placed in the common room and prayer area.
  14. xiv) Meetings and other functions in the hostel can only be held with the prior written permission of the competent authority.
  15. xv) Residents damaging or destroying any hostel property shall be required to pay for the damages and shall also be liable for a fine.
  16. xvi) Hostel furniture and dining room utensils shall not be removed by the residents from their designated places.
  17. xvii) The competent authority may ask any senior teacher(s) to inspect the rooms periodically. On the basis of these inspections, certificates shall be awarded to students whose rooms remain cleanest throughout the inspections.
  18. xviii) Residents or their family members (when coming to see them) shall park their cars, motorcycles, and bicycles at specified locations at their own risk and responsibility.
  19. xix) Each resident shall be provided with a bed/cot, etc., and she shall be responsible for their loss or breakage.
  20. xx) The employees are under no obligation to attend/work other than that assigned to them by the Warden for the service and comfort of the students.

  1. i) Every resident undertaking study in a regular education program shall pay hostel dues per year, semester, quarterly, or monthly, as prescribed/agreed, along with the prescribed advance at the time of admission in the hostel.
  2. ii) For students availing special facilities, an additional amount will be charged as per the decision of the competent authority.
  3. iii) Generator/UPS facility can be provided, subject to availability and necessity.

  1. i) Mess facility is provided by the Hostel on economical charges.