city of sand
city of sand

Scholarship, Fee Concessions and Rewared

1. Fee Relaxation on Talent

A candidate who has 90% or above marks in his/her terminal qualification i.e. Matriculation or F.Sc./Equivalent (as the case may be) will be given 25% Tuition fee relaxation in 1st Semester/Year. Further, the candidate who has 85% to 89% marks in terminal qualification will also be given 15% Tuition fee relaxation in 1st Semester/Year. However, to avail such concession thereafter the 1st Semester/Year, then all such students must secure and maintain at least 80% marks under semester and 70% under annual system of Exam of each of succeeding Semester/Year of the Program. In case, any such student could not maintain this criterion of marks at any stage / semester / year or fails in one or more papers, then this relaxation shall be withdrawn from him/her forthwith, without affecting the previous one(s) granted till last academic semester/year.

2. Scholarship / Fee Relaxation on Need Based.

(I) Two candidates would be given concession of 40% in Tuition fee in 1st Semester/Year on Need Based, subject to verification. However, to avail this concession thereafter, then these students must secure and maintain at least 70% marks under semester system and 65% under annual system of Exam of each succeeding Semester/Year of the Program. In case, any student under this category secures less than these marks at any stage / semester / year or fails one or more papers then this concession shall be withdrawn from him/her forthwith, without affecting the previous one(s) granted till last academic semester/year. Moreover, if such student shall found not deserving at any later stage even after verification, then this facility would be withdrawn by making recovery earlier one(s).

(ii) One orphan student will be given full concession in Tuition Fee. However, in case there would be two or more than two candidates in this category, then only one candidate will be selected for this concession purely in order of merit. The successive candidate under this category would submit undertaking on Stamp Paper that he/she truly deserves this concession, which will also be verified in due course of time by Administration. In case any contradiction is found in declaration, then this facility shall be withdrawn from him/her and earlier one(s) will also be recovered from such candidate.

(iii) If the guardian of any student unfortunately passed away during his/her study, then such student will be given 40% Tuition fee relaxation or as decided by the competent authority, thereafter, till completion of the program.

(iv) If any candidate is physically disabled, then such individual will be eligible for concession of 30% in Tuition fee.

3. Fee Concessions / Discounts for Other Categories.

(i) If any candidate is Hafiz-e-Quran, then 20 marks will be added to his/her terminal qualification. After addition of these 20 marks, if he/she comes under Merit Based category, detail mentioned in paragraph (a), will be given concession accordingly to the said category, subject to fulfillment all conditions prescribed therefor. Moreover, the candidate has also to qualify Hifz-e-Quran test which will be conducted by the College while considering admission under this quota.

(ii) If any student would pay full fee of the whole program, i.e. altogether all Semesters/Years, in advance, then such student will be given facility of exemption of 5% Tuition fee.

Note: For all the above concessions/discounts, it is mandatory for the beneficiary students to be regular / punctual in studies and maintain discipline. Further, all these concessions/discounts will be subject to approval of the Chairman who can even declare null and void of any concession/discount granted or to be granted without assigning any reason thereto and no one can challenge such order at any quarter including legal forum.